Celebrating a Year of Growth and Achievement: Green Halo Scholars’ 2024 Annual Report

by | Feb 14, 2025

Friends of Green Halo,

2024 was a year of growth, resilience, and opportunity for Green Halo Scholars—and I’m excited to share our impact with you in our Annual Report! Our annual report is a massive undertaking for our small team, but it is such a joy to reflect on the ways in which our organization served our scholars with excellence over the last year.

Here are some of my personal highlights from the past year:

  • Making memories with our high school scholars during our first-ever college tours, including a behind-the-scenes athletics tour at my old stomping grounds, Purdue University.
  • Joining the UtmostU College Success Network and watching our incredible college success team thrive with new infrastructure in place to manage their support of 76 college scholars.
  • Reuniting with so many of our long-time friends (and meeting new ones!) at our annual pickleball friend-raiser.

I hope that, as you read this report, you will see the ways in which you have had an impact on our work, too. Your impact can be seen in the pages of the report and in the numbers below that speak to our scholars’ success:

  • 27 high school scholars matriculated to colleges with an average out-of-pocket cost of just $236 per year.
  • 76 college scholars completed the fall semester with a median cumulative GPA of 3.47.
  • 9 scholars from the Class of 2024—our first formal cohort—graduated from college, and 100% secured jobs in their field or were accepted into graduate school.

Behind every one of those statistics is a scholar who’s achieving their dreams because our community believed in them.

It is such a privilege and honor to serve our scholars every day, and I am so grateful for the community that rallies around them as they pursue their biggest, boldest dreams.

With gratitude, Sara

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