Aaric Hager: Embracing Education and Exploration Abroad

by | Jan 29, 2025

This month, we are excited to feature a guest post written by one of our talented college scholars, Aaric Hager. Aaric shares their unique experiences and adventures as a sophomore at Butler University, currently studying abroad in Uppsala, Sweden. 

Hello! My name is Aaric Hager, a sophomore at Butler University. Currently, I am studying abroad in Uppsala, Sweden, but at this moment, I am in Amsterdam! I’m a coffee and tea enthusiast, love to stay active every day, and live in Naperville, Illinois. 

I am a secondary education student with a proficiency in English. I originally majored in marketing, but once I discovered my love for teaching and gave it a shot, I knew I would never go back.

I try to be as active as possible on campus, whether at Butler or during my time studying abroad. At my home university, I am a tour guide, which is a super fun on-campus job. I am also involved in various roles such as student government and the diversity center, and I play Division 1 club volleyball on the BU Men’s Volleyball team. I think it’s always important to join different organizations to fill up time, make life fulfilling, make friends, and learn more about yourself and the world! Here in Sweden, I’ve continued my volleyball journey, joining many different leagues and organizations, both competitive and recreational. When I’m not at the gym, I am either at a coffee shop, with friends, or at the Nations, which is sort of like Greek life without any of the gender roles or exclusivity, and way more fun overall!

After Graduation

After graduation, I am considering getting my master’s at Uppsala University, the school I currently attend during my study abroad, or exploring other programs. I aim to go even further, eventually acquiring my doctorate and conducting research in the fields of Education and English. I recently wrote a research paper on literature, which has inspired me to learn more.

Advice for Green Halo Scholars

Green Halo has MADE my college experience. Without this organization, I don’t think I would have even made it to higher education. It allows me to have the same opportunities as every other student. It makes me comfortable knowing I always have someone in my corner, with resources to help me make the best of my education.

Some advice for other Green Halo Scholars like myself is as follows: Despite the cliché nature, I advocate for curiosity and the inclination to be spontaneous, saying yes to opportunities at every turn. The best things in life happen by coincidence, and the more you give to the world, the more you will receive in return.

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