Be a Fly On the Wall in Our Staff Meetings

by | Aug 26, 2024

If you were a fly on the wall during our staff meetings, you would hear a lot about the great things that our scholars are doing.

“Did you hear about Zeeshan? He’s studying abroad in Hong Kong for the entire semester!”

“Alex did a summer pre-law program and he’s going to take the LSAT this fall. Does anyone know a prosecutor that we can connect him with?”

“Smilte transferred to a college that is a better fit for her major, and she loves it there!”

Our team finds so much joy in the accomplishments of the young people we serve. We’ve sat with our scholars as they’ve completed the Common App-line by line and section by section. We’ve helped them deliberate between their college options, and we’ve seen the smiles on their faces as they moved into their dorms. They don’t take their education for granted, and we’re privileged to get to watch them make the most of their experiences. 

We’ve also seen the challenges they’ve faced and the barriers they’ve overcome on their journeys. Being a young adult can be difficult, and it’s no different for first-generation college students. Yet, our scholars navigate challenges with courage, self-awareness, and a touch of humor. Together with our team, they learn to advocate for themselves, hold themselves accountable to goals, and persevere through obstacles, big and small.

You can’t sit in on our staff meeting or read the messages we send each other about the exciting things our scholars are up to, so that’s where Green Halo Voices comes in. Every few weeks, we’ll share a new story about what our scholars are doing. We’ll tell you about their internships, their leadership roles, and their biggest dreams. The investment you make in Green Halo goes directly to our young people, and these blogs are their stories. 

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